Shop at Brighton Beach Bikes
More than just a bike hire shop. Befitting our California style we have bike accessories to make your bike look fun and funky. Great looking bells, coffee cup holders and wicker baskets and if you get to the beach and have either forgotten your lock or got a puncture then we have essentials to help you out.
Made an unexpected visit to the beach and its turned out hot and sunny? Then no worries we have swimwear, towels and more so you don't have to leave early. We've also a full range of our specially designed t-shirts, perfect for a souvenir or gift to take home.

Swim at Brighton Beach Bikes
At Brighton Beach Bikes we are experienced sea swimmers, swimming most mornings from May to October. In town and want to swim with a group? Then feel free to join us, usual swim time is 9.30am, but always good to check ahead. Want to swim another time? Then feel free to leave your stuff with us whilst you go in. Being a former lifeguard we are able to advise on best places to swim, tides and other questions about the local environment.
Every year we also host the Brighton Pier Open Water Swim, ask at the shop for more details or visit out sister website brightonsports.co.uk